Saturday, February 9, 2008

My First three days of CNY!

lolx first day, woke up ten something and collect ang pow from family hehe then help mom with preparation for family dinner tonight where relatives from mom sidecame hehe it is also my mom's birthday celebration every year first day of CNY=) lolx then at night ust chat with my dear cousins ahaha
second day started visiting my grandma and my 8th aunts house hehe had dinner there and gambled a bit did not win or lose
third day haha went to my 9th aunt house then we gamble again from like 5-8p.m haha i won at first like rm 20 then left to lose 3 bucks owh well nvm
ahaha then my aunt ordered pizza, and cook some dishes this time we had diner at her house hehe
end of three days

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